Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Term 3 test reflections

Well even though I have committed some mistakes I should never have committed if only i had revised harder but still overall, I am quite pleased as I managed to obtain an A2 in the test even though it was considerably harder than the previous test seeing that so many of my classmates had gotten Cs. But still I am very sure I would have scored higher if only I had payed much more attention to word equations and memorising what is the word equation for some compounds and elements. Another thing I should take note is not to rely too much on the powerpoints and take notes on what Mrs. Chu has said as can be seen when I got the question on the first page of Section B. It went like "A mixture with two elements" and they expect us to pick one material from the box. I got the question wrong which resulted in me getting the sub -questions wrong and in the end I had been deducted a total of 4 marks which is the A1. This is because I had assumed bronze to be a compund and seawater to consist of 2 elements only, both of which Mrs. Chu had said in class but was not in the powerpoint. Yup, that's about it, sure hope I can improve by 1 grade again and redeem my glory in term 1.

How will I improve next term.

Well actually I have already done so by checking what are the topics to be tested next term and will be making use of the June Holidays to revise for these topics using my textbooks and the World Wide Web. Not only have I taken the measures mentioned to increase my grades by at least 1 but have also taken to task to print out all powerpoint slides that are related to the tested topic. This is because I have realized that most of the information for the test are given in the powerpoints and it also serves as a complementary revision resource. Hope I will get at least an A2 or A1 in term 3!

Monday, August 16, 2010

Term 2 test reflection

From this test's result I am starting to get a sensing of how much harder I have to work and revise should I want to attain an A1 again as i have only gotten a B3 this time round. I felt I could do a lot better if I had familiarised myself with the elements, compounds and mixtures segment as I had not bothered memorising and understanding all the elements, compoundas and their functions. Although I think I had understood the topic generally as I was able to get all the MCQ questions right. But once again because of my failure to memorise all the compounds symbols I did pretty badlt in the word equations component of the test which attributed to my B3. Although I think I have understood how word equations work from the fact that I had gotten the bonus question right which was a question on word equations. I just hope I will improve by a grade in term 3.;)