Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Term 3 test reflections

Well even though I have committed some mistakes I should never have committed if only i had revised harder but still overall, I am quite pleased as I managed to obtain an A2 in the test even though it was considerably harder than the previous test seeing that so many of my classmates had gotten Cs. But still I am very sure I would have scored higher if only I had payed much more attention to word equations and memorising what is the word equation for some compounds and elements. Another thing I should take note is not to rely too much on the powerpoints and take notes on what Mrs. Chu has said as can be seen when I got the question on the first page of Section B. It went like "A mixture with two elements" and they expect us to pick one material from the box. I got the question wrong which resulted in me getting the sub -questions wrong and in the end I had been deducted a total of 4 marks which is the A1. This is because I had assumed bronze to be a compund and seawater to consist of 2 elements only, both of which Mrs. Chu had said in class but was not in the powerpoint. Yup, that's about it, sure hope I can improve by 1 grade again and redeem my glory in term 1.

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